Our Highest Mission

At The Jordan Bed & Breakfast,
the genuine care and comfort
of special needs parents and caregivers
is our highest mission.

We pledge to provide a unique opportunity
for rest and rejuvenation for each guest
who will always enjoy a clean, refined and tranquil environment.

The Jordan experience will bring calm to hearts,
peace to minds and fulfill even the unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests.

1 John 4:19

“We love because He first loved us.”

Philippians 2:3-4

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, rather in humility value others above yourselves.”


For more than ten years, Billy & Haley Livingston and Jimmy & Loretta Peña, have dedicated themselves to enriching the lives of the special needs community through their individual charities and churches, and in doing so have had their hearts blasted by the love, kindness and humility of every family they’ve met. From buddy breaks, disability dances, marriage getaways and beach days, the joy and significance they’ve encountered has changed their lives.

Both Billy and Jimmy bring their professional expertise of serving in unique, 5-Star environments to Jordan’s House, and their shared dream is to translate their rare level of radical hospitality into a bed and breakfast tailored for parents of children with disabilities.

Donations to Jordan’s House, private angel investment and events will fund the operation of The Jordan B&B.

Parents of children with disabilities will be complimentary guests of The Jordan.